Salaams and Hello to all my readers and visitors
Six antique chairs by Thea Gouverneur is the latest addition in my personal chart library (huh..when is the chart madness is going to end for me…never I guess..*wink*). I have been searching hi and low for this chart and the price offered at abcstitch is unfavourable with me, so, who can help?..*grin* of course ebay!.

This kit which came with a linen..yup..linen..(..no wonder it is quite expensive) and a pre-sorted DMC thread..yay ! make my life easy as I never like to do thread sorting whenever I bought a kit. Which chair that I am going to stitch first?..Lets wait and see.
Happy stitching and sewing.
as-salam k.salmi..
i'm really fall in love with your chairs... jelesnyeee.. hahahahahaa
Kak Salmi....cantik....cantik..... Nnti dah siap tunjuk ehhh...
sal, kita jeles la ni.. susah nak dapat kerusi antik tu, benang linen senang ke susah nak jahit.. x pernah cuba.shima ada chart tapi kerusi biasa je.. tu pun dapat jauh kat kuantan...bila boleh duduk ya kat kerusi antik tu ye.. kuang.. kuang..kuang
sal, shima melawat lagi kerusi antik ni,tak puas tengok. rasanya sal start semua sekali.. nanti siap serentak ... macam biasa dengar je idea tu.. emmm ;)
Salaams semua,
thanks for leaving me a sweet comments, sorry lambat reply, bulan2 posa nie, memang kebizian sedikit..
Alynn, me too fall in love at first sight..berlubang poket dibuatnya..kalau tak beli..tak senang hati..hehehe
Amy laling, thanks..sure insyallah..
Shima laling, jgn jeles taww, nanti kita duduk sama2, pilih je nak duk kosi mana satu *wink*. ekceli dia bagi fabrik linen, and benang tu dmc..memang susah sikit sbb linen dia tu, thread dia memang sangat tak even, then, guna sehelai benang lak tu, harus lelama leh jadi rabun dibuatnya. terpaksa guna white light, kalau yellow, sure tak nampak. Aishh, kalu jahit 6 serentak, harus entah bila leh siap..hehehe..tapi memang normal la xstitchers ada a bit greedy kan..semua pun nak jahit..esp like me..kwang 3x..endup..melambak WIP..hehehe
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