The Teacup/Saucer with grape motif reminds me with my late father. When I was a little girl ~ me, my lil sister and my late father went to apek's shop somewhere around the Chowkit vicinity..when was that?.. back to 1978 *sigh*. It is only 5 set cup/saucer without teapot. I bought the small bowl from en.shariff just to add more members into this grapes family.
My father wants to buy the teaset for my mom and I really like this grape motif teacup and looks so cute like my "masak-masak toys"..hiks..oopss..kecik2 dah suka cup and saucer eh *wink* and my father agreed with my choice *smile*. It was with my mom for so many years, until one day I asked from her that I would like to keep it and my mother said yes!.
My father passed away in 1980 to due his long illness. I am gratefull to Allah for lending him to us eventhough for a short time and I had been given a chance to take care of him while he is sick, bathed him, cleaned him, combed his hair, gently rubbing his back to eased his pain. Losing a father is a painful experienced in my childhood days but I throw the sadness and let all the sweet memories with him filled my heart.
"Ya Allah sampaikanlah seumpama pahala bacaanku kepada roh ayahku. Ya Allah, ampunilah dosanya, kasihani dan selamatkanly dia dan maafkanlah kesalahannya, muliakan kedatangannya, lapangkan kuburnya, terimalah kebaikannya, hapuskanlah kesalahannya dengan Rahmat-Mu, Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih".
salam sal
teringat chowkit,,,
sal shima gi chowkit memang dari kecil tapi dengan mak, memang memorikan, dulu memang banyak kedai pinggan, sekarang pun banyak juga, cuma susah dah nak cari bentuk macam ni, banyak bentuk moden dan simple
salaam shima, ha ah kan..teringat lak dulu2 tunggu bas kat situ masa kerja kat sapura keramat tu..masa tu ada batu road supermarket..kadang2 arwah father sal bawak gi situ..suka sangat sebab ada aircond..hehehe and stationeries dia cute2 semua
Yati rasa, banyak pinggan, cup dan saucer dulu-dulu dah tak jual atau sudah nak dapat sekarang. Arwah opah Yati pun dulu ada banyak koleksi, tapi semua dah diambil makcik-makcik. Kalau cari kat kedai, misalnya kat sini, ada kedai pinggan lama di Batu Gajah, memang tak de.
Alfatihah untuk arwah bapa kak Sal.
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