Thank you, Beautiful people :-)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

My Spring and Autumn

Hai!, Friends and Readers

How is your stitching or sewing progress for the first 6 months? I hope that everybody make some good progress on whatever stitching/sewing project that you are currently into. Time flies very fast and it’s July already *wink*. For the past two weeks, I don’t spend much time on stitching or tatting. Over the weekend, I am busy sewing a new curtain for my house and on weekdays even busier with work commitment – since we had a major renovation at our existing office and hiring a new staff and trainees for our sites office.

My staff and DH have to travel outstation during the renovation period and leaving me alone to supervised the renovation works. To make thing worst, our building elevator is not working and the contractor need to carry all items up to 4th floors and it tooks them half day to do it. My mind is messy as much as my office condition at that time ~duh~

Since DH is away, I have to rush home to cook for dinner and send all my children for their tuition class, leaving me a little time slot to breathe. I’m already tired by 11:00 pm after fetching them from their tuition class. Usually, I will prepare a mug of coffee so that I can keep awake a little longer to catch up on some stitching or tatting but I fall asleep after halfway sipping the coffee *LOL* sound exhausted rite?

On my EMS four season stitching diary, I have high hopes to complete it by its 2nd anniversary which is this coming August. Sometimes, a bit ~ sakit hati ~ *grin* to stitch on this small count aida. Not so much area that you can cover compared to stitching on bigger count. I may spend an hour stitching this piece, but only managed to cover a small area. Patient is needed to complete it *wink*.

Happy stitching and sewing to everyone. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate it very much. ~*~ XOXO ~*~.


aNIe said...

Hi salmi...nice blog with all those cross stitch collection...

I nak tanya sikit...i tengok kat your teacup outline tu...line dia halus gunakan berapa helai benang aje untuk outline dia ye? Sebab mine nampak kasar sebab I gunakan semua benang tu...

Salmi said...

Hi Kak lady, thank you for visiting
untuk outline or backstitch, biasanya memang pakai 1 helai benang saja unless kat chart tu mention guna 2..tapi most of the time 1 je, kak.

aNIe said...

OOh...patutlah your stitching for the outline cantik aje...akak punya nampak serabut...

Thanks salmi...

Nampaknya your blog will be one of my favorite blog

Salmi said...

No problem sis, glad that I can help..thanks sis, and please come again.