A brief description about this flower. I am using a satin ribbon with ribbon stitch techniques. It will be best to use the wired ribbon (payah nak dapat) for the flower as its not easy to make the long petals with ribbon stitch to create a look yang melentik2 (hahahaha..I am lost some word in english explanation) like. Anyway, as long nampak sipi2 sama..it's okay with me. This flower is paired with my blue primrose which I will sew into rectangle cushion..(bila siap tatau..since sewing is not my strenght *wink*).
And here is the plate, 8 inch size..

To all my friends and readers, thanks so much for your time and leaving me a sweet notes. Syukur kepadaNYA kerana meminjamkan sedikit kebolehan kepada saya. Apa yang saya kongsikan disini hanya lah sekadar hobby dan tidak bertujuan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk atau berbangga diri kerana tiada apa pun milik saya..semuanya adalah pinjaman. Saya mendoakan agar Allah memberkati kehidupan kita semua. Lots of love from me, xoxoxoxo.
Cantiknya your RE! What stitch did you use to make the primrose flower?
salam kakros, thanks..primrose tu guna loop stitch, pastu tengah tu jahitkan french knots..
Salam kak..WoW.. cantik nyer kak..im amazed lah kak..halus betul keje tangan akak..akak jual tak..?
Selamat berpuasa juga untuk akak dan sekeluarga..take care
Salaam Salmi. You ribbon work looks so lovely. please send more..
Salam Hifa, thanks so much for you kind notes. Do come again,insyallah I will sew more when time permits..
I blog-hopped from Faizon's blog and reached here.
Cantik and so creative the way you did the flowers!! Class!!!
I selalu berangan nk buat RE tapi tak pernah kesampaian...
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