Bonjour! comment allez-vous (Hello! How are you?*smile*)..amboi, sejak stitching chart with the essence of Paris, tershashul cakap french pulok..ahaks.. Wahhh feel so lazy to update blog lately..I have relish hibenating like a polar bear *ggrrr*. Fleur de Paris is my latest wip. It is a kit by dimensions that came with coloured chart, aida fabric, cotton threads and needle. It is a standard checklist that usually comes in a kit.
If you happen want to purchase a cross stitch kit, do check these items availability. One more thing, nowadays in ebay there are many charts are made in china ~ please be aware on the fabric and thread quality plus chart originality. Credits to my BFF (luv you kak reen) who had introduced this chart to me..I am in love at the first sigh (ermm semanjang tengok online chart camtu *wink*). I love the varieties in this chart which harmonizes perfectly ** que c’est beau**
If you happen want to purchase a cross stitch kit, do check these items availability. One more thing, nowadays in ebay there are many charts are made in china ~ please be aware on the fabric and thread quality plus chart originality. Credits to my BFF (luv you kak reen) who had introduced this chart to me..I am in love at the first sigh (ermm semanjang tengok online chart camtu *wink*). I love the varieties in this chart which harmonizes perfectly ** que c’est beau**

I had substituted the Aida fabric with 16ct autumn vintage linen for a more dramatic shabby chic background and using the cotton thread by dimensions. No worries if you are out of thread as you can always ask for additional thread by sending email to dimensions and they will mail it to you - free of charge.
Next, sitting on top of my priority list -- that need to be completed in two weeks time (mesti..). I have planned to personally deliver the chart to a special friend that I had kept her waiting for so long – very bad of me *sigh*. So sorry dear!

Last but not least, nak tayang..ehhhh..share 2 ketul collection wall hanging tapestry. Satu me hang kat living room satu lagi kat master bedroom. Sometimes, untuk kelainan me tukar2 kedudukan dia untuk pemandangan dan mood yang berbeza.

Have a wonderful weekend and holidays. Take Care and XOXO. May God bless all of you.
Bonjour!Bonjour! hehehehee.. jeles ni..jeles ni..
bila nak siap ni k.salmi? x sabo nak nengok ni.. mesti chantek kan..
Sal, da byk u stitch. me baru siap kemas my stitching area yg da bersawang. Neway, tak sure mana satu nak mula stitch again. al-maklum la, byk sgt wip......
Your hanging tapestry cantik. beli kat mana. Hope its not ampang point.
ibu.. suka okkkkkkkkkkk..
ahhhhhhhh.. xleh jadik..
mus nak stitch balik..
i'm jeles ok.. agagagaga..
kena siapkan kitchen alphabet utk dapur sendiri kot..
baru semangat.. yes.. yes..
bonjour ! alynn, yer moh kita sama2 menjeles ngan wip that bermotivate nak siap kan cecepat..hehehe..kalau tak slow melow la akak jahit..mcm ketapi senandung malam yang bawak barang tu..
kak reen, me hari2 kemas my chart..hahaha..saja nak menggoda diri buat WIP bebanyak..kes tamak haloba dah nie..hehehe..dat hanging tapestry me beli kat online shop..
Mus, yer laaa miss tau berstitching sesama..wahh tangan sotong dah sibuk berhexy sexy..meh la wat kitchen alphabet tu balikkk rindu tau nak tengok xstitch mus pulak..
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