Salaam and hello everyone :-)
How is your new year's resolution progress in the first month of the 2o10? I have few craft resolutions that need to be materialized in this year as well as my personal goal. I am currently working on this wedding pillow for my nephew. Some of the design are adapted from HE - Ribbon Renaissance book.
I bought the applique lace are from a shop that sell beads, crystal, sequin lace at Arab street (urghhh I forgot the shop name). It is quite cheap since it is sold at SD1.50 per pair and it is a good quality of lace.
Talking about lace, I don't stash many bobbin lace as I plan to used it as "value added" for pillow frills. Now, let me share with you some of the information about lace which is written by belinda crestani from australian country craft and decorating magazine.
Origins of Lace making
The earlist recorded use of handmade lace and embroidery was to adorn the attire of royal family - on silk and satin, damask and linen. The art of needlework has been practised by both men and woman, and was not defined by social class. It was used to decorate everyday items such as clothing and household linen, but it was also worked into nationalistic symbols and costumes.
The origins of lace is often heavily debated. Two countries profess to have begun the crafts are -flanders and Italy-. Lace was considered a precious commodity and as it could be un-sewn from one garment and placed on one another, its value was said to have been transferable.
Demand for Lace
In the 17 & 18th centuries, lace was a symbol of prestige and everyone wanted a piece of it, whether they wore it or produced it. Five-year-old girls often attended 'lace school' to start them practising the craft early and perfecting it quickly. Lacemaking was a main source of income for many woman during this time ; however, as the design were so intricate and detailed, and the lighting so poor, it wasn't uncommon for a woman to go blind.
It was in 19th century that the lace machine was invented, cancelling out these vital jobs and reducing its value. The cost dropped dramatically as more of it was produced at a faster rate.
Demand for Lace
In the 17 & 18th centuries, lace was a symbol of prestige and everyone wanted a piece of it, whether they wore it or produced it. Five-year-old girls often attended 'lace school' to start them practising the craft early and perfecting it quickly. Lacemaking was a main source of income for many woman during this time ; however, as the design were so intricate and detailed, and the lighting so poor, it wasn't uncommon for a woman to go blind.
It was in 19th century that the lace machine was invented, cancelling out these vital jobs and reducing its value. The cost dropped dramatically as more of it was produced at a faster rate.
Types of Lace
Lace comes in many different forms and every country has its own method of making it. Examples included bobbin lace, needlepoint lace - the two oldest varieties, many variations of whichhave been developed over the centuries - tatting,macrame and crochet.
Till next entry, Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week ahead. XOXO
Till next entry, Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week ahead. XOXO
salam sal
beruntung jenis tangan berseni dan ada patat siput ni..menjadi aje apa yg disentuh ...
tie..cantik bangat..tie.. nanti bila2 k.shida kena dtg jgak2 kerumah tie. memang qualiti dan teliti.. memang lain dari yang lain.. kreativiti yg tersendiri..sangat kreatif..tahniah tie.. really proud of you..tie..
beautiful laces. must get my sis to belikan la.
ooops jeles tgok your RE.
Salaam kaknor, alhamdulillah atas pinjaman allah yang sementara nie :-)..
kak shida, mekasih banyak2 kak..sikit2 tu boleh lah..masih banyak yang kena diperbaiki lagi..
kak reen, yerps..situ cantik2 lace dia..should spoill yourself dengan sequin lace dia..jahit atas baju..perghh..lip lap..
thanks kak, re tu..camtu jer dah 2 minggu..belum dapat ilham lagikk..hehehe
Kak Salmi,
cantiknya lace tu! Memang sesuai la untuk bantal orang kawin. Yati jarang jumpa lace cantik macam ni. Susah nak cari.
çok güzel olmuş.elinize sağlık.Türkiyeden selam(TURKEY/İSTANBUL)
Salaam yati, thanks..lace tu memang cantik dan murah jugak la..tu sbab akak beli..kalau kat sini mahal..tapi yang bobbin lace tu beli kat sini jer.
Salaam gumuslerin, nice greeting to you too!
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