Salaams and Hello everyone!
I bought this tea set separately many years ago from Janine. I had choosen this motif instead of botanic garden as I love the romantic teacup shape..:-)
Slowly over the years I am adding piece by piece into my growing collection. Of 6 fruits motif, morning apple is my favourite *wink*.
6 pieces of side plate that have the same motif with cup and saucer and no green border leaves
Lastly, still my personal favourite morning apple motif -- sandwich serving dish with handle.
Thanks for looking and have a wonderful weekend.
salam me,
wow memang menawan bentuk teacup tu..lain dari yang lain... cantik bangat me....
salam sal...wahhh dah banyak koleksi cik port dia.. citarasa manusia ni berbeza kan sbb tu ler cik port kuar kan pelbagai design/patern.. dr buah sampai ke bunga... mungkin org cam akak ni kurang minat design buah, cik port buat ler dwesign bunga hehehe
i love all of these. absolutely beautiful ! ntah bila la dapat buat collection macam nie :)
salam k.salmi..
wow..cun nyer pomona...
mmg awesome & gorgeous...
salam sal,
memang cantik cik port tu sal.minat sangat.tapi..entah bila agaknya kak dapat mengumpul..
salaam shima, thanks laling :-)..ekceli suka lagi dgn bunga2 BG tapi shape romantic tu yang buat me terguda..hehehe
salam sisnor, yer kak, betul tu..lain orang lain preference dia, ada yg suka bunga, ada yg suka fruits..
Salaam colour me pretty !, thanks for drop by yer..lama sungguh akak mengumpul tu dik..berbelas tahun :-)
Salam chempp,..iyer..gojes kan esp morning bright and beautiful :-)
Salam kakyon...kak, boleh jer akak nak mengumpul..pelan-pelan kak, sal pun amik masa lama jugak nak beli satu persatu..kalau sederrap memang tak terbeli..
salam sal...once in a blue moon akak muncul cni...he..he...cantik koleksi pomona ni nmpak segar...menambah selera...masa mula knl mende ni kt forum dulu akak dh jatuh ati esp BG smpai skrg tk terbeli2 lg...bila la nk smpai seru (mgkn akak ni dlm golongan calculative skit...)
Salam kak akmal, thanks kak, ekceli kan hobby nie depends kat individualnya preference la kak, sbb dengan resource yang terhad, memasing ada yang dilebihkan, dan ada yang sal suka pinggang mangkuk so I spend little on handbags and shoes..asal boleh ajer..hehehe.
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