Thank you, Beautiful people :-)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Masak Dari Hati Masak Dengan Iman

Salam suka-suka hati from me :-)

Suka suka hati and masak dari hati masak dengan Iman is trademark from chef ammar in his cooking show - Hidangan Barakah which is aired at TvAlhijrah during the month of Ramadhan.  I found that his cooking show is different from other cooking show that I usually watched.  He introduced cooking in more Islamic way as he stressed on sunnah and dzikir.  I agree with him that we must cook from our heart - I mean a happy heart will a give a good result, if I am not happy or stressed, I will not baking as the cake not turn out as expected even though baking is my monthly routine :-)

Chef Ammar briefed us about the recipe, selection of olive oil, how to cut the vegetable for the salad, sunnah food, kitchen time management.  He shares may tips in cooking :-) To chef, the rules is, prepare the food that takes longer time to cook first and shorter time to cook is the last.

Our first recipe is to prepare the mandy lamb dish.  He taught us how to clean and marinate the lamb.  He advise us to choose a lamb shoulder as Our prophet likes to eat lamb shoulder.  Skimming is also very inportant to make the food last more than a day. And, don't forget - dzikir :-)

(picture credit to Kingfiher Adventures)

Next, we prepare the brasmathi rice with saffron.  He demonstrate to us how to clean and cooked the rice in proper way.  During the cooking process, the aroma that came from the cooker, makes everyone nearby feels hungry and it is masyallah..tasty.

Our third menu for the day is to prepare Baklavah.  I love it as it is not too sweet.  Chef had adjust the sugar volume in the syrup so that it is not too sweet.

Humus is the bonus recipe.  Easy to prepare, chickpeas, tahini, lemon salt blend together and decorate it with olive oil, chickpeas and paprika powder..yumm!..

Suka-suka hati after the cooking session..I personally feels the the cooking lesson is value for money and the place is also very nice and quiet.  I enjoy the class very much where I got a chance not only learning a new recipe but also making a new friend that have the same passion and hobby.

Suka-suka hati jugak dapat door gift - victorinox pairing knife, apron with personally signed by chef ammar and peeler..sangat suka!

I cooked the menu on the next day, alhamdulillah..syukur pada Allah untuk ilmu yang bermanafaat.  Till next entry have a beautiful weekedays ahead :-). 


MamaTiaMia said...

Salam Salmi, sukanya tengok this cooking class and the chef:) kalau ada masa and opportunity teringin:) sedapnya homous,sedapnya mandy rice,lamb tak makan tapi chicken marbeles..semua best best:):)

Salmi said...

salaam mamatiamia, insyallah kalau ada kesempatan nanti me bagitau yer bila next chef punya kelas, we can join together geder, resort tu ada sungai so tia and mia boleh mandi2..kalau tak hujan and air sungai tak naik. insyallah :-)..nanti nak try chicken mandy pulak :-)

Nur-nba said...

Salam Salmi.. Seronok melihat sesi kelas memasak dengan Chef Amar.. Lepas ni, dah boleh masak menu Arab.. :) Menu2 dalam entri semuanya sedap2 belaka..

Salmi said...

salaam nur, memang seronok gi kelas chef ammar sebab dia very friendly so kita tak rasa segan dengan dia..insyallah boleh la sikit2 nur, ekcelli asben sal yang minat masakan arab nie, tapi dia segan nak join kelas tu sebab ingat nanti dia sorang jer man in the class..hihihi..menu2 tu suka2 jer nur nak kongsi semua yang kita orang suka makan :-)..thanks nur :-)

Salmi said...

salaam nur, memang seronok gi kelas chef ammar sebab dia very friendly so kita tak rasa segan dengan dia..insyallah boleh la sikit2 nur, ekcelli asben sal yang minat masakan arab nie, tapi dia segan nak join kelas tu sebab ingat nanti dia sorang jer man in the class..hihihi..menu2 tu suka2 jer nur nak kongsi semua yang kita orang suka makan :-)..thanks nur :-)