Thank you, Beautiful people :-)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Remnants Of War

Salaams and Hello Readers,

duhh..kemalasan sungguh la nak mengupdate.*wink*..bizi tu tetap bizi dan alhamdulillah masih diberi Allah kesempatan dan kesihatan untuk mencari rezeki buat keluarga.  Me tengah mencari mood yang hilang entah kemana untuk berkraft kembali.  Sementara tunggu mood datang kan, jom ikut me visit  Vietnam War Museum kat Ho Chi Minh City, tak jauh dari hotel me tinggal lebih kurang dalam 15 minutes by taxi.  Kalau me travel, bila berpeluanng, muzium is one of the place yang me suka visit sebab dari situ sedikit sebanyak we will learn about the country and its people.

Masuk ajer entrance, this giant killing machine welcomes the visitor..serious me tak terkata tengok meriam nie yang muncung nya punya lah panjang yang boleh menembak sejauh berpuluh-puluh kilometer, memusnahkan beratus-ratus rumah dan nyawa manusia yang terucap bilangannya :-(.  It is an eye opener actually, teringat lak masa kecik-kecik me memang tak suka tengok drama Combat.

The museum has three level, first level displayed photo gallery exhibition about supports for vietnam people from all over the world.  Second level, a showcase of guns and bullet used during the war, collection of photo taken by the international photographer for newspaper and magazine coverage, some of them killed during the war :-(. The journalist and photographer is a responsible person who exposed  this war to the world attention.  The third level is more about Vietnam after war.

Me spend lama jugak kat sini, about 2 hours..looking at the artillery, weapons, photo of the innocent people being tortured and killed, war scene.  Never imagined that people can lost their insanity in war for what ever reason that is not acceptable to me,  when they killed innocent civilian especially woman, children, infant  and old people.

When the killing machine seems not effective for them to win the war, they sprayed the dangerous agent orange toxic chemicals at some area for many weeks with large quantity and caused terrible damages to the civilian and their generation and the environment since the chemical stay in the soil for a long time :-(

If I am not mistaken, this photo had won a nobel prize.  A woman and her family run for their life, so sad to see their face expression - fear, stress and trauma.  War had made them strong person.  Bila me  chat with our tour guide if she loves korean drama as I saw many korean shop in saigon..her answer is NO *wink*.  Her personal opinion, korean movie more into sad story.  She prefers action movie..ok I understand why *wink*.

Some facts shown about the war, and among the war that America involved, vietnam war is the most costlier war.  I left the museum with sad feeling.  Me tertanya-tanya dalam kotak fikiran kenapa manusia bertindak diluar batasan kemanusiaan. Apakah yang mereka capai dari kemusnahan yang mereka sendiri lakukan..amerika tidak pernah menang di vietnam kerana mereka membunuh orang awam lebih banyak dari membunuh askar vietcong.  Syukur pada Allah atas kedamaian yang dikurniakan kepada negara kita.  

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