Thank you, Beautiful people :-)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Craft Homework

After attending one RE class with sis Umi in Subang Jaya, I had managed to do this simple RE works for my own practice. I found that it is an interesting class since Sis Umi emphasized on the technique rather than on the pattern. I also admired her ribbon works which is neat and she is good in playing with the ribbon colors. Ermmm..more flowers to come..after next class with sis Umi..*wink*

My tatting also make a good progress. We (Myself, Ain, Sis Ros, Fauziah) had our second met at Ain's house. Sis Ros eventhough it was her first lesson but she is a fast learner. This time we learn how to tat with one shuttle and one ball. Everybody enjoyed the lesson and food too!!. Thanks to Fauziah on the lesson and the ball too !!. Moga apa yang dikongsi pada hari ini akan membawa seribu kebaikan dimasa hadapan.

1 comment:

tinn tinn said...

good RE work for a first timer.. i always wanted to learn RE... bought the books, kits and so on... but ended up with thread hand-stitch embroidery... and never had a chance to continue my ambition for RE... :P