Salaams and Hello Everyone,
How is your craft activities?. I hope all of you enjoy your craft activities as much as I did. Back to my orange tree story. I once read this, A researcher says -- An orange a day can keep a heart disease away, so do take an orange a day to stay healthy *smile*. My orange tree had also helped to keep my stress away..*wink*. I had done the wooden beads covering with silk ribbon few months back but I could not finished the whole design as I don't have wire to make the tree trunk -- and when I stopped, it will take sometime for me to resume..hehehe..

Since I am not in the mood to do cross stitching and looking at the chart even make me more 'pening', I decided to do something 'light and easy'. I walked 5 minutes to the nearest LNS, bought a pack of wire and start to make a tree trunk and overcast with variegated perle cotton no 8..

I then worked on the basket with woven filling stitch using variation perle cotton no 8, adding forget-me-knots flower and leaves...

Walla..a completed Orange Tree and forget-me-knots design from panel 10, Ribbon Embroidery and Stumpwork by Di Van Nierk.
Thanks for viewing and have a wonderful day ahead.

Since I am not in the mood to do cross stitching and looking at the chart even make me more 'pening', I decided to do something 'light and easy'. I walked 5 minutes to the nearest LNS, bought a pack of wire and start to make a tree trunk and overcast with variegated perle cotton no 8..

I then worked on the basket with woven filling stitch using variation perle cotton no 8, adding forget-me-knots flower and leaves...

Walla..a completed Orange Tree and forget-me-knots design from panel 10, Ribbon Embroidery and Stumpwork by Di Van Nierk.
Thanks for viewing and have a wonderful day ahead.
Kak Salmi, sangat cantik! Terer la akak ni. Cross stitch boleh buat, ribbon embroidery pun boleh buat. Tabik spring..!
hi kak sal,
i looiikeee la the stump work+RE tu..jelesss nyee....i ni setakat tau buat xs je la....hehehe
salam sal,
wah cantiknya stump work tu...dah frame nanti wat n3 lg ya...sure lg cantik....
Wow...very nice! Congrats!
Salam Kak Salmi,
Cantek nyer, buah orange tu.... lama dah berkenan tengok kat dlm buku Di van Niekerk tu tapi tak terbuat..akak buat kemas je... suke!
Salam Yati,
Thanks dear...alhamdulillah, sikit2 boleh la..
Salam Zura,
Hopefully jeles tu boleh menjebak kan diri berRE pulak lepas nie..hiks
Salam Kak ANi
Thanks kak, tak sure lagi nak frame ke tak kak, nanti me update the finishing yer..
Salam KakRose
Thanks kak..muahsss
Salam Ina,
Thanks ina..adoyaii..lama dik nak siap banyak tu pun..akak kerja memang slow meloww..:-)
Aduhai Kak Salmi
Cantik sesangat. Kalu di framekan pun ok gak kak.
maklang pun suka....
Salam Ruby & Maklang, thanks so muchh..muahss
salam kenal salmi..my first time here..t.kash tingal komen..wah bestnye kerjatanganmu ni..masa kak muda2 dulu..sgt minat dgn crosstich..byk juge akak buat...tabik spring kat salmi sbb ctk emboidey u ni...i luv it..
Your orange tree is superb!!! err.. mana nak beli wooden beads tu ye? If its available online it would be much better.
Salam euphoria,
Thanks for the compliments :-)..wooden beads tu me beli dekat macy petaling street. Sekarang dekat haby ampang park pun ada.
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