Salams and Hello to all my frens and readers :-)
I am delighted when Alynn had invited me to Stitch ALong an Oriental Splendour (OS) designed by Lena Liu. I bought this kit by Dimensions many months ago, and the progress is standstill since....ermm....I cannot recalled when the last time I had stitched this piece as I have numbers of WIP's and UFO's (*blushing*). I think I should go on diet too..not only on stashing but launching a new project until all pending items in my sewing cabinet completed.
The rule is very simple as only two person involved. We just update each other at our personal blog every two weeks so that we can motivate each other to complete the stitching within the ermmmm...what is our agreeable target date to finish alynn?..can we target by end of June?..hurmmm can I..lets just put the date first and we see how is our progress :-)
Happy stitching !
Happy stitching !
Diet ehhhh??? semoga berjaya.. muahahahahaaa...
No problem sis, we try 1st by end of June.. the we see how the progress. Better ada target, if not nanti jadi UFO lak..
wah! da mula stitch. all the best,cos its a big piece. akak tolong doa kan la u both can complete by june.
Salmi, cantik nyer... lagi kalau dah frame-up nanti.....! Best of luck and happy stitching... will folow your progress.
pergh.. ni susah ni. gdluck eh kak. boleh plak main lumba2 stitch. ni 6 bln boleh siap kalau jaet 5 jam sehari.
Salaam ALynn, ngeh ngeh ngeh...posa membeli belah dan melaunching projek baru..mcm boleh..hahaha..tapi cam takde titik jer napsu nie..hihihi..
Salaam kakreen, thanks and thanks for doa..yess this is a big piece and 18ct boxes..aisehhh..hehehehe
salam kakdee, so nice to read your lovely comments..thanks so much kak !.
Salaam balkis, thanks sudi tinggal comment kat blog akak..hehehe..5 jam sehari lenguh pinggang akak duduk ..
salam sal...semlm akak pg kedai jahit bli benang bulu utk prjk sklh anak..jumpa satu chart cottage yg simple..siap ngan frame..so akak pun belila after almost 14 yrs suspend my cross stich needle..he..he..tp tk tahu bila nk start plak...
salam salmi..cantiknyaaa..so nice..kalau i boleh luangkan masa buat2 benda macam ni sikit...mesti carik masa jugak..bebudak really active now..can imagine dah tergantung hasil tu:)
Salam mamatiamia, time kasih banyak..:-)..kena tunggu both gegirl besar sikit baru senang nak mula jahit, sbbnya..sure nanti dorang pun nak tolong jahit sama..dah boleh imagine :-)..
salaam kak akmal, wahh jomlah jahit kak..pelan2 bolehnyer...nanti dah siap boleh la tunjuk kat sal yer..love to see it :-)
Your stitchings are beautiful. I love that you blog with someone your progress. What a fun idea! I had thought about putting the progression of my next cross stitching on my blog. After seeing yours I think I will.
Thanks for sharing!
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